Well, if there’s one thing, I’ve learned this past year it’s that time goes by so quickly when you love what you’re studying. I honestly cannot believe that this is the last blog I’m writing before I become a Registered Nurse/Midwife in 2023!
I started the Nursingpreneur blog 3 years ago because I enjoy writing and thought it would be a good experience to get me out of my comfort zone. Looking back over the last 5 years, I hope I have enlightened, motivated, or even excited you about a future career in nursing or the healthcare field.
I would love to summarise this year in this blog, including the experience of finding work after finishing your course and what my career path would entail once I am a registered nurse or midwife!
Let me just start with, my final year was the hardest year ever. Around June we had to apply for a Graduate program for 2023 hospitals to secure jobs. It was stressful because everyone I used to talk to tells me that, it’s not easy to get a graduate program offers from hospitals. Around August we had to do interviews with 4 hospitals. I was also completing my clinical placement while also preparing for the interview. Start of October we received our results whether we receive an offer from the hospitals we chose or whether we should apply again and hope to get into the second or third round. I remember the day we were receiving our results, I got ready and went to my favorite café and ordered myself a coffee while login into my computer. I was so nervous but excited at some time. I was hoping to get into at least one hospital. I received my results. I got into Nursing and Midwifery dual degree. That means that I got to work as a nurse and midwife and get the opportunity to experience both sides.
Therefore, I have a few words of wisdom for future students!
It was very hard to condense my most valuable tips but here you go:
- Never be afraid to ask a question, it might feel stupid or have a very simple answer, but it’s so much better to ask and learn from it than potentially make a mistake! Besides you never know when it could be the right or most important question to ask!
- It’s also very much okay not to know something; but incredibly important to know how to find the answer – where to find policies and procedures etc. I have also learned that patients with chronic illnesses can be invaluable resources and a wealth of knowledge, it’s okay to ask your patient about their own health.
- Always follow your instincts, if you feel like something isn’t right, it probably isn’t. Your gut instincts will only improve and get better with practice and there is no harm in a false alarm!
- Don’t be afraid to question the man – as a student nurse some days you may feel like you are at the bottom of the hierarchy but asking politely why something is done a particular way can assist others to reassess their actions, as well as assess the most up to date practice. It is also a positive way in improving your practice and understanding of the purpose behind things.
- Participate in MET calls, whether you stand back and fetch some necessary items, do a set of observations or helping other nurses. You can learn and see so much in such a short period of time! The critical care nurses are phenomenal.
And my last but most favorite piece of advice –“you can’t pour from an empty cup”. Take care of yourself and this will only benefit your patients. On your days off organise to catch up with friends, get enough sleep, eat well, and drink enough water! Take your whole break at work and have the ability to rely on your buddy, debrief if necessary, and often. Nursing can have awful days and amazing days; it can tear you down and put life into perspective for you. I promise you’ll get back up and do it all again the very next day, the trick is to do it with a smile on your face and the passion you had when you first started out nursing.
Good luck to everyone whether they’re completing your course year this year or just beginning their healthcare journey!
And thank you to everyone who has stuck with me these last 3 years and read all my blog posts, it has been life-changing!